
958 Days Left

I wonder if it is too early to be having a mid-life crisis.
I suppose that if I am already going through this stage, my days will be over at age 30.

But I can't help but feel as if I am wasting the days of my youth, the halcyon ages. I'm afraid that one day, when I'm 35 I'll look back and wish that I had enjoyed it more... the whole childhood thing.

It's a common fact that when you're a kid, you can't wait to grow up... but when you're all "grown up", you can't help but wish that you were 6 again, and free to fingerpaint and shove sand down another kid's pants.

What have I accomplished in the first 15 years of my life?


Nothing worth mentioning. Sure, I have moments that I'm proud of (winning the school spelling bee, getting Champ cuts in swimming) but in the grand scheme of things, my gut feeling says I've inadequately used the time I've been given to really enjoy my life.

In the US, the age of majority (the threshold of adulthood as conceptualized by law) is 18. That means that I have less than three years to really take charge of the freedom given to me the moment I got my first view of the world (most likely a hospital ceiling and a bright light.)

Of course, if I reach the age of 18 and I still do not think that I have resourcefully used my time as a young'un, I'll move to Mississippi, where the age of majority stands at 21.

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