
tell them? or not?

There is a certain conflict that I've had within myself ever since I started this blog: should I tell my friends about it or not?

At the moment, nobody that I've met personally has ever read anything I've written on this site. A grand total of 3 people are aware that I have a blog, but have never seen it. I don't even let my family know. My dad was the one who encouraged me to start up one, but I still don't allow him to peruse through my posts.

I don't know why I'm like this. I guess I'm too embarrassed to let anyone I'm close to read what I've written. It's sort of like Speech team. I hate having to practice because it means I have to present in front of one of my coaches. But during the meets, when I get to speak in front of a judge I don't know, I'm perfectly fine and unconscious about my words, appearance, etc.

But I guess there are some plus' to giving my friends my url. Maybe they'll create their own blogs and I'll be able to see their daily thoughts. It could be a sounding board for our thoughts and various comments accumulated throughout the day. I would probably get more responses on my posts.

Overall though, I think it's nice that I have my own private sector of the Internet to myself. I try not to bash anyone I know online, but sometimes those feelings have to come out and I don't want to hurt someone because of my temper. And besides, with Facebook and Twitter, it seems like my friends read enough about me as it is. So there's the decision: I'll try my best to keep this blog separate from my own personal life. It'll just be for me.

And those other readers out there :)


Rosalie Bass said...

I really like what you had to say in this post; it's thought provoking. I also think that you made the right decision.. but that's mainly because I can actually SEE THIS BLOG ON INTERNET EXPLORER! YES! No more stupid error message.. but I'll go knock on wood just in case.

Love the new banner, too!

EURA. said...

I exhorted a nice loud "Woohoo!" at the Public Library just for you, dear :)